Common Causes of Lower Back Pain

2011. 7. 28. 10:28physio

60세 이하 젊은 사람들에게 나타나는 일반적인 요통 유형
1. 하지 통증과 저림 증상
   - 엉덩이로 부터 발까지 내려가는 통증과 저림은 디스크가 원인
   - 일반적으로 오랜 동안 서있거나 앉아있은 후 증상이 더욱 악화
2. 어떠한 움직임과 자세에서 통증
  - 앞으로 굽히거나 뛸때 등 어떠한 동작에서의 통증은 퇴행성 질환으로 볼 수 있다
  - 이것은 만성이 될 수 있고, 좋았다 안좋았다 하며, 가끔은 상당히 악화되어진다
Common types of lower back pain in young adults (< 60 years old)

  1. Symptoms: Leg pain (sciatica) and possible numbness
    Pain that radiates through the buttocks, as well as pain and possibly numbness that radiates down to the foot, is frequently caused by a disc herniation in the lumbar (lower) spine. This type of pain is usually worse after a long period of standing or sitting.
    - See also Lumbar Disc Herniation
  2. Symptoms: Pain with certain movement and positions
    Low back pain in young adults that is caused by certain positions and movements (such as bending forward, running) is commonly caused by a syndrome called degenerative disc disease. The low back pain symptoms of degenerative disc disease can become chronic and may tend to fluctuate and at times become significantly worse.
    - See also Degenerative Disc Disease

60세 이상 노인들에게 나타나는 일반적인 요통 유형
1. 아침에 일어날때와 저녁에 허리 통증 악화 그리고 강직
   - 요통은 아침에 일어날때 우선적으로 느끼며, 일과 후에도 느끼게 되는데 이는 facet joint의 골관절염(또는 퇴행성 관절)이 원인
   - 통증과 강직은 facet joint 사이 cartilage의 노화 상태가 원인
2. 걷거 바로 서있을때 다리 밑으로 통증
   - 걷을때의 다리 통증은 요추관 협착증 또는 퇴행성 척추 전방전위증이 원인
   - 척추에서 나가는 지점에서 신경의 압박
   - 정상적인 보행과 같이 똑바로 서 있는 것은 신경 압박을 증가시켜 다리 통증을 일으킨다

Common types of lower back pain for older adults (>60 years old)

  1. Common symptoms: Lower back pain that is worse in the morning and in the evening, and stiffness
    Lower back pain that is most pronounced first thing in the morning and later in the day is often caused by facet joint osteoarthritis (degenerative arthritis), a condition that involves breakdown of the cartilage between the facet joints in the back. The pain and stiffness is a result of the lack of cartilage between the joints.
    - See also Facet Joint Osteoarthritis
  2. Pain down the legs when walking and standing upright
    Leg pain (sciatica) that occurs when walking, and increases with more walking, can be caused by conditions such as lumbar spinal stenosis or degenerative spondylolisthesis. Both conditions place pressure on the nerves at the point where they exit the spine. Standing upright, such as in normal walking, increases pressure on the nerve and results in leg pain.
    - See also Degenerative Spondylolisthesis