serratus anterior activation 2014.07.10
Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization
Muscle Function is Determined by It’s Specific Function AND Stabilization This is the first time I’ve posted on Mike’s blog and I’d like to thank him for inviting me to do so. I’ve been on the site several times and found it to be a valuable resource. Hopefully this will add to it and stir up some good clinical discussion so here it goes. I was fortunate enough to be able to attend a seminar at ..
2014.06.30 -
A New Exercise for Shoulder, Scapula, and Core Control
출처 : Today’s post in a guest post from my friend Tad Sayce, who is a strength coach in the Boston area that specializes in swimmers. Tad shares a great exercise video that works shoulder, s..
2014.06.03 -
monster walk 2014.06.03
selective functional movement assessment 2014.05.30
Functional Movement Screen 2013.11.20
trigger point
몸이찌뿌둥하거나 결리거나 혹은 근육이 뭉쳤을때 우리가 대부분 하는것은? 바로 스트레칭 입니다. 하지만 스트레칭 만으론 잘 풀리지가 않죠? 그이유는 바로 여기 있습니다. trigger point는 근육의 반복적은 수축과 텐션으로 인해 섬유가 엉키는 것이라고 보면 됩니다. 문제는 통점을 유발한다는 점입니다. 흔히 어깨가 너무아프거나 허리가너무아플때 근육을 눌러보면 주변보다 훨씬 딱딱하게 굳어진 부분이 있습니다. 바로 trigger point입니다. 하지만 여기서 핵심은 이러한 trigger point는 단순한 스트레칭으로는 40%미만의 회복력을 보인다는 것입니다. 이것을 해결하는게 바로 inhibitory techniques입니다. 그림 click!! 헬스클리닉 - 헬클 페이스북에서..
2013.11.06 -
A Simple Dynamic Stability Exercise for the Leg
from a video demonstration of a simple way to integrate reactive neuromuscular training (RNT) into your programming to enhance dynamic stabilization of the lower extremity. In this video, I show a client that has an ankle sprain. While going through her rehabilitation, it became clear that she also needed balance training to really work her ankle, knee, and hip to stabilize d..
2013.11.05 -
New Shoulder Pendulum Exercise: Cradle the Baby
My friend Jason Gauvin, who is a really smart guy, shared with me a great version of the shoulder pendulum exercise for postoperative patients that may be pretty useful for everyone. Looks like a great technique, especially for those patients with early guarding and hesitation moving their arm. Check it out below. Cradle the Baby This exercise can be done post surgical and may replace the standa..